Laurent Schneegans

Light Design
Laurent Schneegans, born in Paris, France; after his studies there in 1983, he began to work as a lighting technician and tour manager. He also has worked as a photographer, directed his own photo studio and subsequently, took over lighting direction and de-sign for numerous opera, theater and street art productions. Since his first production with choreographer Paco Dècina in 1996, he has collaborated regularly on contempo-rary dance productions, which were presented internationally.

Since 1998, Laurent has also been conducting workshops and seminars on lighting design for students and aspiring light designers. For over a decade, he has regularly created the light design for productions by Helge Letonja, including the dance trilogy DISPLACING Future from 2010 to 2013; Zwei Giraffen tanzen Tango – Bremer Schritte (Two Giraffes dance Tango – Bremen Steps) in 2016; and Préludes in 2020, his first collaboration with the ensemble OCN. This was followed by Ort/Un-zeit and currently A late summer night’s dream.

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